Ifra-Expo https://www.ifra-expo.com Business Literature Mon, 22 Apr 2024 09:27:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.1 https://www.ifra-expo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/cropped-book-32x32.png Ifra-Expo https://www.ifra-expo.com 32 32 Book Review: «The Art of Deсision-Making Navigating Unсertainty with Сonfidenсe» by Maria Sanсhez https://www.ifra-expo.com/book-review-the-art-of-de%d1%81ision-making-navigating-un%d1%81ertainty-with-%d1%81onfiden%d1%81e-by-maria-san%d1%81hez/ Mon, 22 Apr 2024 09:27:38 +0000 https://www.ifra-expo.com/?p=499 In today’s fast-paсed and ever-сhanging business landsсape, the ability to make effeсtive deсisions amidst unсertainty is сruсial for suссess. In her book “The Art of Deсision-Making: Navigating Unсertainty with Сonfidenсe,” author Maria Sanсhez provides readers with valuable insights and praсtiсal strategies to taсkle the сhallenges of deсision-making in a dynamiс world. Drawing on her extensive […]

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In today’s fast-paсed and ever-сhanging business landsсape, the ability to make effeсtive deсisions amidst unсertainty is сruсial for suссess. In her book “The Art of Deсision-Making: Navigating Unсertainty with Сonfidenсe,” author Maria Sanсhez provides readers with valuable insights and praсtiсal strategies to taсkle the сhallenges of deсision-making in a dynamiс world. Drawing on her extensive experienсe as a management сonsultant and leadership сoaсh, Sanсhez offers a сomprehensive guide to mastering the art of deсision-making and navigating ambiguity with сonfidenсe.

Overview: “The Art of Deсision-Making” is a thoughtfully сrafted book that explores the intriсaсies of deсision-making and offers readers a roadmap for making informed and impaсtful сhoiсes in both personal and professional сontexts. Sanсhez begins by laying the foundation for understanding the psyсhology of deсision-making, highlighting the various сognitive biases and heuristiсs that influenсe our thinking proсesses. She then delves into praсtiсal strategies for overсoming these biases and making better deсisions in the faсe of unсertainty.

Key Themes:

  1. Understanding Deсision-Making Psyсhology: Sanсhez starts by examining the psyсhologiсal faсtors that influenсe deсision-making, suсh as сognitive biases, emotions, and intuition. By shedding light on these underlying meсhanisms, she empowers readers to reсognize and mitigate the effeсts of bias in their deсision-making proсesses, leading to more rational and objeсtive сhoiсes.
  2. Embraсing Unсertainty: In a world сharaсterized by сonstant сhange and unprediсtability, Sanсhez emphasizes the importanсe of embraсing unсertainty as a natural part of the deсision-making proсess. Rather than fearing unсertainty, she enсourages readers to view it as an opportunity for growth and innovation, сhallenging them to adopt a mindset of сuriosity and adaptability.
  3. Harnessing Intuition: While rational analysis and logiсal reasoning are essential сomponents of deсision-making, Sanсhez also highlights the role of intuition and gut instinсt in guiding сhoiсes. By honing their intuitive faсulties and trusting their inner wisdom, readers сan tap into a valuable sourсe of insight and сreativity, enabling them to make deсisions with greater сonfidenсe and сlarity.
  4. Building Deсision-Making Сompetenсies: Sanсhez provides readers with praсtiсal tools and teсhniques for building deсision-making сompetenсies, suсh as сritiсal thinking, problem-solving, and strategiс planning. Through a series of exerсises and сase studies, she guides readers through the proсess of identifying their deсision-making strengths and weaknesses and developing strategies for improvement.
  5. Navigating Ethiсal Dilemmas: Ethiсs play a сentral role in deсision-making, and Sanсhez devotes a seсtion of the book to exploring the ethiсal dimensions of deсision-making in business and leadership. She disсusses the importanсe of integrity, honesty, and moral сourage in making ethiсally sound сhoiсes, urging readers to prioritize values and prinсiples over short-term gains.

Key Takeaways:

“The Art of Deсision-Making” offers readers a wealth of insights and praсtiсal adviсe for enhanсing their deсision-making skills and navigating unсertainty with сonfidenсe. Some key takeaways from the book inсlude:

  1. Awareness is Key: Reсognizing the influenсe of сognitive biases and emotions on deсision-making is the first step toward making better сhoiсes. By сultivating self-awareness and mindfulness, readers сan beсome more attuned to their thought proсesses and avoid сommon pitfalls.
  2. Embraсe Flexibility: In a rapidly сhanging world, rigid deсision-making frameworks may no longer suffiсe. Sanсhez enсourages readers to embraсe flexibility and adaptability, allowing for сourse сorreсtions and adjustments as new information emerges.
  3. Balanсe Rationality and Intuition: While rational analysis is important, intuition сan also be a valuable asset in deсision-making. By striking a balanсe between logiс and intuition, readers сan tap into their innate wisdom and make deсisions that feel right on both a сognitive and intuitive level.
  4. Ethiсal Сonsiderations Matter: In the pursuit of suссess, it’s essential not to сompromise on ethiсal prinсiples. Sanсhez reminds readers that ethiсal deсision-making is not only a moral imperative but also essential for long-term suссess and sustainability.


“The Art of Deсision-Making: Navigating Unсertainty with Сonfidenсe” is a must-read for anyone seeking to improve their deсision-making skills and thrive in an unсertain world. Sanсhez’s praсtiсal insights, engaging writing style, and thought-provoking exerсises make this book a valuable resourсe for leaders, managers, and individuals alike. Whether you’re faсing a tough business deсision or a personal dilemma, “The Art of Deсision-Making” provides the tools and guidanсe you need to navigate unсertainty with сonfidenсe and сlarity.

The post Book Review: «The Art of Deсision-Making Navigating Unсertainty with Сonfidenсe» by Maria Sanсhez appeared first on Ifra-Expo.

LinkedIn and Resumes: A Dynamic Duo for Professional Success https://www.ifra-expo.com/linkedin-and-resumes-a-dynamic-duo-for-professional-success/ Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:45:56 +0000 https://www.ifra-expo.com/?p=493 In the constantly evolving landscape of career progression, the synergy between LinkedIn and traditional resumes stands out as a potent combination for achieving remarkable professional success. Gone are the days when a one-page resume was the sole portal for displaying one’s skills and experiences. In today’s digital era, LinkedIn has emerged as a dynamic companion, […]

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In the constantly evolving landscape of career progression, the synergy between LinkedIn and traditional resumes stands out as a potent combination for achieving remarkable professional success. Gone are the days when a one-page resume was the sole portal for displaying one’s skills and experiences. In today’s digital era, LinkedIn has emerged as a dynamic companion, expanding opportunities and elevating your personal brand to new heights.

Consider this: LinkedIn, boasting 774 million users globally, transcends being merely a platform; it is a robust networking powerhouse. As professionals connect, share insights, and engage on this social network, their profiles metamorphose into living, breathing representations of their professional journey. While a resume encapsulates your work history, LinkedIn paints a more comprehensive picture by enabling you to showcase projects, garner recommendations, and secure endorsements – tangible proof of your skills and competencies.

Now, let’s delve into the realm of LinkedIn and resumes to explore how they complement one another and how harnessing their combined potential can open doors to unparalleled professional success. From crafting an attention-grabbing LinkedIn profile to aligning it seamlessly with your resume, we will delve into strategies and real-world success stories that underscore the significance of this dynamic partnership in today’s fiercely competitive job market. Whether you are an experienced professional or embarking on your career journey, grasping the symbiotic relationship between LinkedIn and resumes is paramount for maintaining your competitive edge. So, let us embark on this journey together, where the amalgamation of traditional and modern tools will pave the way to your professional triumph.

The Importance of Resumes

Your resume plays a pivotal role as your initial introduction, your gateway, and the cornerstone of your professional narrative. In our increasingly digital world, the value of a well-crafted resume cannot be overstated. It condenses your career history into a concise document, serving as a navigational guide for hiring managers and recruiters to rapidly evaluate your qualifications.

With the rise of LinkedIn, you might wonder whether the traditional resume remains relevant. The answer is a resounding “yes,” and here’s why:

  • Standardized Information: Resumes adhere to a standardized format for presenting qualifications. Hiring professionals are well-versed in scanning resumes for critical details such as work experience, education, and skills. This familiarity streamlines their initial evaluation process.
  • Tailored Targeting: Resumes can be customized for specific job applications, allowing you to emphasize skills and experiences most pertinent to a particular role. This level of customization is not as easily achieved through a LinkedIn profile.
  • Offline Accessibility: Resumes can be conveniently shared in a physical format, making them suitable for interviews, job fairs, and networking events. You don’t rely on an internet connection or digital device to present your resume.
  • Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS): Many companies employ ATS to screen resumes. Optimizing your resume for ATS, incorporating relevant keywords and a well-structured format, enhances your chances of passing the initial screening.
  • Privacy and Control: Unlike LinkedIn profiles, which are public, your resume provides a measure of privacy and control over who can access your professional history. You can decide when and to whom you share your resume.

For instance, when applying for positions in highly regulated industries where specific qualifications are mandatory, a well-organized resume becomes the linchpin. It conveys your compliance with industry standards and the requisite skills for the job.

In this dynamic interplay between LinkedIn and resumes, the latter stands as a concise, focused document that underscores your suitability for a particular role. The strategic utilization of both, as we will further explore, establishes a harmonious partnership that can significantly influence your professional journey. Now, let’s proceed to understand how LinkedIn complements the resume, forging a symbiotic relationship that leads to unparalleled success in today’s competitive job market.

Bridging the Gap: How LinkedIn and Resumes Complement Each Other

In the realm of professional achievement, the harmonious combination of LinkedIn and resumes forges a compelling partnership that bridges the traditional and contemporary facets of career development. These components fit seamlessly together, weaving a narrative that encapsulates your professional journey. But how do these two vital elements complement each other? Let’s delve into the intricacies.

LinkedIn: The Dynamic Portfolio

LinkedIn serves as your dynamic, real-time portfolio, illustrating the ongoing narrative of your career. Here, you can paint the picture of your professional journey, showcasing current projects, garnering endorsements from colleagues, and securing recommendations from supervisors. It’s the platform where you connect, engage, and expand your network, broadening your professional horizons.

Resumes: The Essence of Expertise

On the other hand, your resume encapsulates the distilled essence of your professional identity. It offers a snapshot of your qualifications, skills, and experiences, thoughtfully tailored for specific job applications. This structured document provides a standardized view that recruiters can quickly scan, often making it the first point of reference in the hiring process.

Synergy in Job Applications

Consider this scenario: You discover your dream job on a company’s website. What’s the next step? You submit your resume. However, it’s highly likely that the hiring manager will also explore your LinkedIn profile. This consistency in information between the two platforms reinforces the key points presented in your resume, leaving a strong, lasting impression.

Networking and Outreach

While LinkedIn excels at fostering digital connections, your resume takes center stage at in-person events like conferences and networking gatherings. It serves as a tangible handout that encapsulates your professional highlights, making it an excellent conversation starter that complements the digital relationship building on LinkedIn.

Online Visibility

In today’s digital age, online visibility is paramount. An optimized LinkedIn profile increases your visibility to recruiters and employers actively searching for specific skills. Moreover, when your resume is uploaded or shared online, it enhances your digital presence, further reinforcing your professional image.

The dynamic partnership of LinkedIn and resumes is a transformative strategy. It’s not a question of “either-or” but a harmonious “both-and” approach to achieving career success. LinkedIn breathes life into your narrative, while the resume distills your expertise into a succinct format. Together, they offer a holistic view of your professional journey, enabling you to stand out in the fiercely competitive job market.

As we continue our exploration, we’ll delve deeper into strategies that empower you to maximize this potent alliance, ensuring your professional success reaches new heights. Let’s navigate this synergy and unlock the doors to your triumphant career journey.

Tips for Maximizing Your Professional Impact

  • Alignment and Consistency: To leave a lasting impression, it’s crucial to maintain consistency between your LinkedIn profile and resume. Ensure they reflect your key skills, experiences, and accomplishments to bolster your professional image.
  • Captivating Headline: Elevate your LinkedIn headline beyond a mere job title. Craft it to showcase your expertise and unique value proposition. For example, consider “Data Scientist | AI Enthusiast | Transforming Insights into Action.”
  • Vital Action Language: When narrating your achievements, employ action verbs that convey your direct impact. Instead of passive phrases like “responsible for,” opt for active terms like “led” or “achieved.” This choice infuses vitality into your professional narrative.
  • Keyword Optimization: Research and incorporate industry-specific keywords into both your LinkedIn profile and resume to enhance your discoverability. Tailor them to match the specific job description with each application.
  • Endorsements and Recommendations: Request recommendations from colleagues and supervisors on LinkedIn. These authentic endorsements serve as social proof of your skills and make a strong impression on potential employers.
  • Customized Resumes: Tailor your resume meticulously for each job application. Emphasize the skills and experiences most relevant to the role, showcasing your commitment and suitability for the position.
  • Quantify Achievements: Whenever possible, bolster your accomplishments with quantifiable metrics. For instance, “Achieved a 30% increase in Q3 sales” holds more impact than a vague “Improved sales.”
  • Active Engagement on LinkedIn: Actively participate on LinkedIn by sharing pertinent articles, engaging in discussions, and connecting with fellow professionals in your field. This not only enhances your visibility but also bolsters your professional credibility.
  • Professional Profile Picture: Your LinkedIn profile picture should exude professionalism. A high-quality image significantly boosts your credibility and approachability.
  • Rigorous Proofreading and Editing: Mistakes on your resume or LinkedIn profile can be detrimental. Be meticulous in proofreading and editing to ensure accuracy, grammar, and consistency.

By implementing these strategies, you can unlock the full potential of the LinkedIn and resume dynamic duo, ensuring that your professional impact is not only memorable but also highly effective.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  • LinkedIn Profile Neglect: It’s essential to keep your LinkedIn profile current to avoid questions about your commitment. Regular updates, featuring new skills, experiences, and achievements, are key to presenting an engaged professional image.
  • Resume Overload: While detailed information is crucial on your resume, an excessive amount of details can overwhelm the reader. Prioritize recent and relevant experiences and achievements for clarity and conciseness.
  • Consistency is Key: Ensure harmony between your LinkedIn profile and resume. Matching job titles, dates, and descriptions across both platforms is vital to avoid red flags and potential employer doubt.
  • Headline Impact: A generic LinkedIn headline, like “Experienced Professional,” doesn’t capture attention. Craft a unique headline that highlights your expertise and what distinguishes you in your field.
  • Unleash LinkedIn’s Networking Potential: LinkedIn offers powerful networking opportunities that some professionals overlook. Engage in meaningful conversations, connect with industry peers, and participate in relevant groups to broaden your network and opportunities.
  • Unlock the Summary Section: The LinkedIn summary section is often underutilized. Craft a compelling summary that offers a comprehensive view of your professional journey and aspirations, leaving a memorable impression.
  • Relevance Matters: Consistently sharing irrelevant or unprofessional content on LinkedIn can harm your reputation. Be discerning in your posts to ensure they align with your professional image.
  • Highlight Key Achievements: Your resume should showcase significant achievements that demonstrate your impact in previous roles. Omitting these can weaken your candidacy.
  • Endorsements and Recommendations: Recommendations on LinkedIn offer social proof of your skills and character. Collect endorsements from colleagues and mentors as they hold substantial value.
  • Personalization is Key: Sending generic resumes and LinkedIn connection requests to every opportunity can be perceived as disinterest. Tailor your communications and documents to convey your genuine interest in the specific role or connection.

By vigilantly avoiding these common pitfalls, you can maintain a robust and consistent professional presence across LinkedIn and your resume. Proactivity in addressing these challenges enhances your capacity to leverage this dynamic duo for professional success.


In conclusion, the fusion of LinkedIn and resumes stands as an essential blueprint for achieving professional excellence. When these two elements work in seamless tandem, they generate a potent synergy that not only elevates your professional image but also broadens your horizons for success. By steering clear of common stumbling blocks and harnessing the unique strengths of each platform, you’ll unlock the full extent of your influence and distinguish yourself in a fiercely competitive job market. Embrace this dynamic partnership as your guiding compass to access the gateway to your triumphant career journey.


Is it necessary to use both LinkedIn and a resume for job applications?

Absolutely. Your resume serves as the initial snapshot of your qualifications, while LinkedIn provides a more comprehensive view of your professional journey. The combination of both is highly effective.

How frequently should I update my LinkedIn profile?

Regular updates are essential. Aim to refresh your profile whenever you accomplish significant milestones, acquire new skills, or transition to new roles. Keeping it up-to-date demonstrates your ongoing engagement.

Should I include a professional photo on my LinkedIn profile?

Yes, a professional photo enhances your credibility. It’s the first visual impression you make, so select a high-quality image that reflects your professionalism.

What’s the recommended length for a resume?

In most scenarios, a resume should be one to two pages. Maintain conciseness and focus on the most pertinent information for the specific job you’re applying for.

How can I ensure consistency between my LinkedIn profile and resume?

To prevent inconsistencies, make sure that job titles, dates, and descriptions match on both platforms. Regularly review and update them to maintain uniformity.

The post LinkedIn and Resumes: A Dynamic Duo for Professional Success appeared first on Ifra-Expo.

The Role of Resumes in the Modern Job Market https://www.ifra-expo.com/the-role-of-resumes-in-the-modern-job-market/ Thu, 19 Oct 2023 08:39:51 +0000 https://www.ifra-expo.com/?p=485 In today’s dynamic job market, the role of resumes has evolved significantly. Your resume is no longer just a document; it’s your passport to career opportunities in the digital age. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career journey, understanding the pivotal role of resumes is essential. Creating a compelling resume is a […]

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In today’s dynamic job market, the role of resumes has evolved significantly. Your resume is no longer just a document; it’s your passport to career opportunities in the digital age. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career journey, understanding the pivotal role of resumes is essential.

Creating a compelling resume is a skill that can be honed independently or with the assistance of a specialized Resume Web site. This website offers invaluable resources and tools to help job seekers craft resumes that make a lasting impression on potential employers.

In this exploration of the modern job market, we will delve into the evolution of resumes, uncover the essential elements of an effective resume, and discover how technology has reshaped the hiring landscape. 

The Evolution of Resumes

The concept of resumes dates back centuries, but their form and function have undergone a remarkable evolution.

1. Historical Origins

Resumes, in their earliest form, were often simple letters of introduction or recommendation. These letters were hand-written and served as a means for individuals to vouch for one another’s character and skills. In a sense, they were the precursor to today’s professional references.

2. The Emergence of the Professional Resume

As societies became more structured, the need for standardized documents to assess an individual’s qualifications arose. The term “resume” itself comes from the French word “résumé,” meaning “summary.” In the 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci is said to have created one of the earliest recorded resumes, highlighting his skills and achievements as an artist and engineer.

3. Industrial Revolution and the Chronological Resume

With the onset of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, the nature of work and employment changed dramatically. Resumes began to emphasize job histories, with a focus on chronological listings of past positions, duties, and accomplishments. This format, still prevalent today, is known as the chronological resume.

4. The Information Age and the Digital Resume

The late 20th century saw a significant shift with the advent of computers and the internet. Resumes transitioned from paper to digital formats. This change allowed for more dynamic and visually appealing resumes, incorporating elements like bullet points, fonts, and various formatting options.

5. Tailored and Targeted Resumes

In the modern job market, one-size-fits-all resumes have given way to tailored and targeted documents. Job seekers now customize their resumes for specific positions, emphasizing relevant skills and experiences. This shift reflects the increasing importance of personalization in the job application process.

6. The Rise of Online Profiles

The 21st century has witnessed the rise of online professional networking platforms like LinkedIn. These platforms serve as living resumes, allowing individuals to showcase their skills, experiences, and endorsements in real-time. The online presence has become a crucial aspect of modern career management.

Understanding this historical evolution of resumes helps us appreciate the significance of these documents in today’s competitive job market. In the subsequent sections, we’ll delve deeper into the essentials of crafting effective resumes and explore how technology and human interaction intersect in the process of resume review.

Resume Essentials

Crafting a winning resume requires attention to key essentials:

  • Contact Information: Provide accurate and updated contact details, including your name, phone number, email address, and location. Make it easy for employers to reach you.
  • Professional Summary: Create a concise and impactful summary at the beginning of your resume. Highlight your career objectives, skills, and what makes you a standout candidate.
  • Work Experience: List relevant job positions in reverse chronological order. Describe your achievements and responsibilities, focusing on quantifiable accomplishments.
  • Education: Include your educational background, degrees earned, institutions attended, and graduation dates. Mention honors, awards, or certifications relevant to the job.
  • Skills: Showcase your key skills and competencies that align with the job requirements. Use bullet points for clarity.

The Visual Aspect of Resumes

The visual aspect of your resume can make a significant impression:

  1. Formatting: Choose a clean and professional layout with consistent fonts and spacing. Use bullet points and headings to break up text and enhance readability.
  2. Visual Elements: Incorporate subtle design elements, like lines or icons, to add visual appeal. However, avoid over-the-top graphics or excessive colors that may distract from your content.
  3. White Space: Ensure your resume has ample white space to avoid overwhelming the reader. Proper spacing between sections and bullet points creates a visually pleasing document.
  4. Length: Keep your resume concise. A one-page resume is ideal for most job seekers, but if you have extensive experience, a two-page resume can be acceptable.

By paying attention to these resume essentials and the visual presentation, you can create a document that not only communicates your qualifications effectively but also captures the attention of hiring managers.

The Impact of Technology

Technology has revolutionized resume creation and distribution. Online job boards, applicant tracking systems (ATS), and digital submission methods have become the norm. Resumes must now be optimized with relevant keywords to pass ATS scans. Additionally, the rise of video resumes and online portfolios allows candidates to showcase their skills in innovative ways, reflecting technology’s ever-increasing role in the job market.

Building an Online Resume Presence

In today’s digital age, having an online resume presence is essential. Platforms like LinkedIn provide opportunities to create a professional profile, network with industry peers, and share your accomplishments. Maintaining an up-to-date online presence allows employers to find you more easily and reinforces your commitment to your career. It’s a valuable tool for both active job seekers and those looking to advance their careers.

The Human Element in Resume Review

While technology plays a significant role in the initial screening of resumes, the human element remains crucial. HR professionals and hiring managers rely on their expertise and intuition to assess a candidate’s suitability beyond keywords. The ability to effectively communicate one’s personality, passion, and unique qualities through the resume is vital. A well-crafted resume should not only pass ATS scans but also resonate with the person reviewing it.

Trends in Resume Writing

Resume writing is not static; it evolves with changing job market dynamics. Today’s trends emphasize clarity, brevity, and customization. The gig economy has led to an increase in hybrid and freelance work, necessitating adaptable resumes that highlight transferable skills. Additionally, the move toward diversity and inclusion has led to more focus on showcasing diverse experiences and achievements. Keeping up with these trends ensures your resume remains relevant and impactful in the modern job market.


In conclusion, resumes continue to serve as indispensable tools in navigating the complex landscape of the modern job market. From their humble beginnings as handwritten letters of introduction to today’s digitally optimized, tailored documents, resumes have adapted and evolved. They not only reflect a candidate’s qualifications but also their ability to adapt to changing times.

In an era of automation and digitalization, understanding the nuances of resume writing, both in terms of content and presentation, is more critical than ever. The interplay between technology and human judgment underscores the need for a balanced approach when crafting resumes that stand out.

As job seekers, embracing these changes and staying informed about industry trends will empower you to create resumes that not only pass through automated filters but also capture the attention of hiring professionals.


Q1: How long should my resume be in the modern job market?

A1: For most candidates, a one-page resume is ideal. However, if you have extensive experience or specialized skills, a two-page resume may be appropriate. The key is to keep it concise and focused on relevant information.

Q2: Should I include a professional summary on my resume?

A2: Yes, a professional summary is highly recommended. It provides a brief snapshot of your qualifications and helps employers quickly understand what you bring to the table.

Q3: What role does LinkedIn play in the modern job search?

A3: LinkedIn is a powerful platform for building your online professional presence. It allows you to connect with industry peers, showcase your expertise, and even apply for jobs directly. An up-to-date LinkedIn profile is a valuable asset.

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Unlocking Success: The Power of Management, Motivational, and Business Thinking https://www.ifra-expo.com/unlocking-success-the-power-of-management-motivational-and-business-thinking/ Mon, 17 Jul 2023 08:51:32 +0000 https://www.ifra-expo.com/?p=478 Are you looking to elevate your business acumen and lead your team to new heights of success? Do you crave motivation to overcome obstacles and drive innovation? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the realm of business literature and its profound impact on management, motivational, and business thinking. Dive in as we […]

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Are you looking to elevate your business acumen and lead your team to new heights of success? Do you crave motivation to overcome obstacles and drive innovation? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the realm of business literature and its profound impact on management, motivational, and business thinking. Dive in as we uncover a curated collection of motivational books that will empower you to unleash your full potential and transform your business.

The Importance of Business Literature

Business literature serves as a guiding light, providing valuable insights, strategies, and perspectives from experienced industry leaders. It equips individuals with the necessary tools to navigate the dynamic landscape of modern business. By immersing ourselves in the wisdom of renowned authors, we gain access to a plethora of knowledge that can revolutionize our approach to management, motivation, and strategic thinking.

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1. Empowering Management

Effective management lies at the heart of every successful business. Learning from the experiences of seasoned professionals can cultivate the skills necessary to lead with confidence and inspire others. By embracing the principles outlined in management-focused literature, you can unlock a whole new level of efficiency and productivity within your organization.

Books such as “”The One Minute Manager”” by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson offer quick yet impactful strategies for effective leadership. Their insights into time management, goal-setting, and communication techniques will empower you to harness the full potential of your team. Adopting such management practices can transform your organization into a well-oiled machine, ensuring smooth operations and accelerated growth.

2. Igniting Motivation

Motivation is the secret ingredient that fuels progress and propels individuals towards achieving their goals. Harnessing the power of motivation within your business can spark innovation, inspire creativity, and foster a positive work environment. Business literature specializing in motivational content equips you with the tools to ignite motivation within yourself and your team.

“”Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us”” by Daniel H. Pink is a groundbreaking exploration of motivation in the workplace. Pink delves into the psychology of motivation, challenging conventional beliefs and offering fresh perspectives. From autonomy to purpose and mastery, this book will help you unlock the true potential of your team by understanding the intrinsic motivators that drive individuals to excel.

3. Cultivating Business Thinking

The ability to think strategically and make informed decisions is crucial in today’s fast-paced business environment. By immersing yourself in literature that focuses on business thinking, you can develop the skills required to analyze complex situations, identify opportunities, and drive success.

One such example is “”Thinking, Fast and Slow”” by Daniel Kahneman. This highly acclaimed book explores the two modes of thinking, offering insights into the cognitive biases that influence decision-making. By understanding the interplay between intuitive and deliberate thinking, you can enhance your problem-solving abilities and make more informed decisions that drive your business forward.

Experience the Transformation

Embarking on a journey through the realms of management, motivation, and business thinking literature will revolutionize your approach to leadership. By exploring different perspectives and imbibing the knowledge imparted by industry experts, you can elevate your performance and transform your business.

Experience the power of literature firsthand by curating a collection of motivational books that align with your goals and aspirations. Immerse yourself in the world of business literature and witness the exponential growth in your management capabilities, motivation levels, and strategic thinking prowess. Unlock your full potential and embark on a transformative journey towards success!

The post Unlocking Success: The Power of Management, Motivational, and Business Thinking appeared first on Ifra-Expo.

5 Must-Read Books About The Olympic Games https://www.ifra-expo.com/5-must-read-books-about-the-olympic-games/ Tue, 13 Jun 2023 10:28:43 +0000 https://www.ifra-expo.com/?p=469 The Olympics is one of the most-followed sporting events in the world, with the last 2020 edition in Tokyo, Japan, watched by approximately three billion people. The tournament traces its origin to the ancient religious festivals in Greece over 3,000 years ago. Initial Olympic games ran from 776 B.C.E to 393 C.E when Emperor Theodosius […]

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The Olympics is one of the most-followed sporting events in the world, with the last 2020 edition in Tokyo, Japan, watched by approximately three billion people. The tournament traces its origin to the ancient religious festivals in Greece over 3,000 years ago.

Initial Olympic games ran from 776 B.C.E to 393 C.E when Emperor Theodosius I banned every pagan festival in an attempt to make Christianity the predominant Roman Empire religion.

In 1896, Athens hosted the first modern Olympics which has evolved over the years to become a global sporting event. Most games in today’s Olympics were not found in the original Greek events.

Authors have written numerous books to explain the origin and evolution of the Olympics games to help followers understand the event better. We have compiled five must-read books to enrich your knowledge of the history and progress of the Olympics.

The Ancient Olympics by Nigel Spivey

If you want to understand the nature of the original Olympic Games, this book by Spivey is a must-read. The book lays bare the type of games played and how they were played in ancient times. According to Spivey, there was little or no regard for players’ safety, with victory coming at a high cost.

The games were brutal, cruel, and full of blood where to become a winner, you had to fight your opponent as a matter of life and death.

Cheating and bribery to officials were also rampant, with otherwise peaceful games turning into violent contests. Spivey equates ancient Olympic Games to army battles where injuries or death to the enemy is the norm.

The Naked Olympics by Tony Perrottet

This book also explains the atmosphere of the ancient and the types of games played – chariot racing, javelin throwing, and tent events, among others. Perrottet brings out the mood of the event and the behavior of the players and fans.

The book also covers some of the scandals involving pioneer athletes. Reading the book will help you understand the activities of the original event and compare it with the modern-day Olympics as depicted in the svensk os guide. It also teaches about the history of ancient Greece.

The Boys in the Boat – Daniel James Brown

Winning at the Olympics does not come through sheer luck. It is a result of hard work and determination. Some games require teamwork to succeed, while others involve overcoming massive obstacles.

The story of the University of Washington’s team, as narrated by Daniel James Brown, is a real example of how athletes overcome the odds to win at the Olympics. The eight boys from humble backgrounds whose parents were farmers, shipyard workers, and loggers formed a rowing team and triumphed at the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

Few expected the boys to win the gold at these Olympics, considering the quality of their opponents, including Great Britain and Germany.

One of the team members, Joe Rantz had no family or anything to hold on to and used the sport to row his life to prosperity. The author demonstrates how players use sports to bag unforgettable achievements and get find their purpose on Earth.

Fire on the Track – Roseanne Montillo

Women have played a great role in the growth and evolution of the Olympics tournament. Many have created their name globally thanks to their Olympic triumphs.

The 1928 Amsterdam Olympics opened the game to compete for the first time at track and field events. This set the stage for 16-year-old American Betty Robinson to win the 100-meter gold medal in a world record time of 12.2 seconds.

Betty won another gold medal at the 1936 Berlin Olympics despite being out of competitive sports for several years after a near-fatal crash in 1931. She laid the foundation for women to shine in sports giving rise to many superstars.

The book analyzes the contribution of Betty Robinson and other women to the growth and advancement of the Olympics tournament.

Power Games – Jules Boykoff

The author Jules Boykoff was a soccer player who played for the U.S. team at the Olympics. He explains how politics have influenced the Olympics games over the years.

Many countries used the 1936 Berlin Olympics to debunk Hitler’s myth of Nazi superiority. Every win by other countries was proof that Hitler’s assertions were lies.

Read any of the above books if you want a better understanding of the Olympics.

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Popular IT trends https://www.ifra-expo.com/popular-it-trends/ Wed, 15 Mar 2023 08:01:12 +0000 https://www.ifra-expo.com/?p=459 Technology has revolutionized the way we live and work, and the IT industry is at the forefront of this revolution. From software development to cybersecurity, the IT industry offers diverse and rewarding career opportunities for those with a passion for technology. In this text, we will explore the current IT professions, the salaries of IT […]

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Technology has revolutionized the way we live and work, and the IT industry is at the forefront of this revolution. From software development to cybersecurity, the IT industry offers diverse and rewarding career opportunities for those with a passion for technology. In this text, we will explore the current IT professions, the salaries of IT specialists, and the most popular IT trends.

The IT industry has grown significantly over the past decade, driven by advances in technology and the increasing demand for digital solutions in various industries. Today, the IT industry is one of the most exciting and dynamic fields to work in, with job opportunities across the globe. From startups to established corporations, businesses of all sizes require IT professionals to design, develop, and maintain their digital infrastructure.

The IT industry is constantly evolving, and new technologies are emerging to shape the future of technology. As a result, IT professionals must continually update their skills and knowledge to keep up with the latest trends and developments. This fast-paced environment provides exciting opportunities for those who are passionate about technology and innovation.

As the demand for technology continues to increase, the IT industry is becoming increasingly competitive. Businesses are constantly searching for skilled and experienced IT professionals who can help them achieve their digital goals. As a result, salaries for IT specialists are generally high, making it an attractive field for those seeking a lucrative career.

Current IT Professions

The IT industry offers a diverse range of career opportunities, each with its unique set of skills and requirements. Here are some of the most popular IT professions:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Developer: AI is one of the fastest-growing fields in the IT industry, and AI developers are in high demand. They develop algorithms and machine learning models to create intelligent machines that can learn and improve on their own.
  • Cybersecurity Specialist: Cybersecurity is a critical area for businesses of all sizes, and cybersecurity specialists are responsible for protecting sensitive data and networks from cyber threats. They implement security measures, monitor systems for vulnerabilities, and respond to security incidents.
  • Cloud Computing Specialist: With more businesses moving their operations to the cloud, cloud computing specialists are in high demand. They design and implement cloud-based solutions, manage cloud infrastructure, and ensure that systems are secure and scalable.
  • Full-Stack Developer: Full-stack developers are responsible for developing both front-end and back-end applications. They have a broad range of skills, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various programming languages.
  • Data Scientist: Data scientists analyze and interpret complex data sets to identify patterns and insights. They use statistical and machine learning techniques to develop predictive models and help businesses make data-driven decisions.
  • DevOps Engineer: DevOps engineers bridge the gap between development and operations teams, ensuring that software is delivered quickly and reliably. They automate processes, manage infrastructure, and ensure that applications are deployed securely and efficiently.

These are just a few of the many IT professions available. Each requires a unique set of skills and experience, and salaries can vary significantly depending on the role and location. Let’s explore IT salaries in more detail in the next section.

Salaries of IT Specialists

The IT industry is known for offering highly competitive salaries, with many IT professionals earning well above the national average. Salaries can vary significantly depending on factors such as location, experience, and specific skills. Here are some of the most popular IT professions and their average salaries:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Developer: AI developers are among the highest-paid IT professionals, with an average salary of around $120,000 per year. Experienced AI developers can earn even more, with salaries of up to $200,000 per year in some locations.
  • Cybersecurity Specialist: Cybersecurity specialists are in high demand, and salaries are generally competitive. The average salary for a cybersecurity specialist is around $95,000 per year, with experienced specialists earning up to $150,000 per year.
  • Cloud Computing Specialist: Cloud computing specialists are also in high demand, and salaries are generally above average. The average salary for a cloud computing specialist is around $100,000 per year, with experienced specialists earning up to $150,000 per year.
  • Full-Stack Developer: Full-stack developers are in high demand, and salaries are generally competitive. The average salary for a full-stack developer is around $90,000 per year, with experienced developers earning up to $150,000 per year.
  • Data Scientist: Data scientists are among the highest-paid IT professionals, with an average salary of around $110,000 per year. Experienced data scientists can earn even more, with salaries of up to $170,000 per year in some locations.
  • DevOps Engineer: DevOps engineers are in high demand, and salaries are generally competitive. The average salary for a DevOps engineer is around $100,000 per year, with experienced engineers earning up to $150,000 per year.

It’s worth noting that salaries can vary significantly depending on location. For example, salaries in major tech hubs such as San Francisco and New York City are generally higher than in smaller cities or rural areas. In addition, experience and specific skills can also impact salaries. Overall, the IT industry offers highly competitive salaries and is an attractive field for those seeking a lucrative career.

Popular IT Trends

The IT industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and trends emerging on a regular basis. Here are some of the most popular IT trends that are shaping the industry today:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is one of the fastest-growing areas in the IT industry, with applications in fields such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. AI is being used to develop intelligent machines that can learn and improve on their own, as well as to automate processes and increase efficiency.
  2. Blockchain: Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that is being used to create secure and transparent systems for transactions and record-keeping. Blockchain has applications in fields such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management.
  3. Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular, with more businesses moving their operations to the cloud. Cloud computing offers benefits such as scalability, flexibility, and cost savings.
  4. Internet of Things (IoT): IoT refers to the growing network of connected devices, from smartphones to smart homes and smart cities. IoT is being used to collect and analyze data, automate processes, and improve efficiency in a wide range of industries.
  5. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AR and VR are being used to create immersive experiences in fields such as entertainment, education, and healthcare. AR and VR can be used to simulate real-world environments, provide training and education, and enhance customer experiences.
  6. Quantum Computing: Quantum computing is an emerging technology that uses quantum mechanics to perform calculations that are beyond the capabilities of classical computers. Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize fields such as cryptography, drug discovery, and materials science.

These are just a few of the many IT trends that are shaping the industry today. Each trend offers exciting opportunities for businesses and IT professionals alike, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends is essential for success in the industry.

Online Casino Developer

Another profession that has gained popularity in recent years is that of an online casino developer. As the gambling industry continues to shift from land-based casinos to online platforms, the demand for skilled developers has increased. Plinko Casino game popular slot, which was developed by the best Gabling specialists.

Online casino developers are responsible for creating and maintaining the software platforms that power online casinos. This includes developing games, managing player accounts, and ensuring that the platform is secure and reliable. Online casino developers must have a strong understanding of programming languages such as Java and C++, as well as experience with database management and server administration.

The salaries for online casino developers can vary depending on experience and location, but are generally competitive. According to data from Glassdoor, the average salary for a casino game developer is around $86,000 per year, with experienced developers earning up to $130,000 per year.

While the gambling industry has faced criticism in some areas, online casinos have become increasingly popular as a form of entertainment. As the industry continues to grow, the demand for skilled developers is expected to increase. For those with a passion for programming and an interest in the gambling industry, a career as an online casino developer can offer exciting opportunities for growth and development.


The IT industry is a constantly evolving field, with new trends and technologies emerging on a regular basis. From AI to cloud computing to online casino development, the industry offers a wide range of exciting career opportunities for skilled professionals.

With the increasing importance of technology in our daily lives, the demand for IT specialists is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. Salaries for IT professionals are generally competitive, with many positions offering above-average earning potential.

Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies is essential for success in the IT industry. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out, investing in your skills and knowledge can help you stay ahead of the curve and take advantage of new opportunities as they arise.

In summary, the IT industry offers a wealth of exciting opportunities for those with a passion for technology and a willingness to learn and adapt. As the industry continues to evolve, it will continue to offer new and exciting opportunities for growth and development.

The post Popular IT trends appeared first on Ifra-Expo.

This business book from PayID pokies developer is something you don’t want to miss https://www.ifra-expo.com/this-business-book-from-payid-pokies-developer-is-something-you-dont-want-to-miss/ Tue, 07 Feb 2023 15:12:35 +0000 https://www.ifra-expo.com/?p=452 A well-known team of PayID pokies developers have published a book about the impact of crypto technologies on the casino world, as well as how crypto and blockchain technologies from the world of online gambling come to other sectors: banks, logistics, manufacturing. It seems that today we are dealing with a situation reminiscent of the […]

The post This business book from PayID pokies developer is something you don’t want to miss appeared first on Ifra-Expo.

A well-known team of PayID pokies developers have published a book about the impact of crypto technologies on the casino world, as well as how crypto and blockchain technologies from the world of online gambling come to other sectors: banks, logistics, manufacturing. It seems that today we are dealing with a situation reminiscent of the development of the Internet thanks to porn sites, where many of the technologies originally demanded by the porn industry have migrated to the mainstream Internet. Even if you have never played in a casino, you certainly understand how important it is for a casino to maintain a certain anonymity of players, as well as security in many respects. These critical functions are associated with the widespread use of blockchain technologies in casinos, and in the future, these technologies enter the business.

Let’s see what we can learn from the new book on blockchain and what will be interesting for wider audiences.

Blockchain today

Blockchain is not only a cryptocurrency. With it, you can optimize various business processes: from verifying the authenticity of goods to controlling the entire supply chain in international shipments. The pandemic has sped up the introduction of blockchains into business. According to PwC forecasts, by 2030 global GDP will grow by $1.76 trillion thanks to the blockchain. How much does it cost to develop a blockchain project, where this technology is most actively used with examples from international practice, what errors can occur during implementation and risks when using blockchain financial analyst at the DotBig investment platform.

Blockchain can be used in any area

A blockchain is a continuously growing list of records called “transactions” which may not be changed once they’ve been added but can only be added to. A copy of each blockchain is stored on many servers, which means that they’re distributed. If any computer fails, the information is not permanently lost.

The main features of blockchains are their ability to keep records confidential, eliminate intermediaries, and enable fast financial transactions. Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger that can be used for tracking assets, recording ownership, and providing transparency in the process. It’s also known as a decentralized database because it doesn’t rely on any central authority or intermediary to maintain its integrity.

The full functionality of this technology can only be realized with the interaction of hundreds and thousands of participants, so the blockchain is not suitable for local use within one company.

Blockchain brings the greatest benefit to companies with many suppliers, buyers, franchisees who need to be constantly monitored.

It doesn’t matter which areas the technologies can be used in. However, you need first to understand if implementing it is beneficial for the company. A few questions will help with that.

How many people are involved in the exchange of data?

Is there an intermediary that makes the process complicated and more expensive?

How important is the time it takes for decisions and transactions?

There is no way to verify the authenticity of information.

If the answer to almost every question is yes, then the business should consider implementing new technologies into its operations.

Blockchain costs

Blockchain technology has a lot of advantages over other types of databases. The main one being security. It’s impossible to hack or modify the records stored on the network. This means that all users have access to the same set of data at any given moment.

The cost of a commercial blockchain project is calculated individually each time

Project costs vary by country, team composition, industry, project size, development goal, and other factors.

For example, a simple smart contract — a computer program to automatically execute agreements on a blockchain when certain conditions are met — costs $200‒1,000, while the implementation of a large-scale blockchain application like Uber will cost at least $220,000. The cost of developing a blockchain-based decentralized application (DApps) starts at $1,000, and to set up an ERC20 token – a protocol that allows you to create other tokens on top of the blockchain – you will need to pay a minimum of $10,000.

The most budget prices are from teams from India, China and Eastern Europe – they can be hired for $10,000. The average price of services from European developers is $30,000. The most expensive specialists are from the USA, the cost of their services starts at $50,000.

The most expensive blockchain products are developed in the field of real assets – assets that have a material and physical form – energy, legal services, utilities. This is due to the scale of projects when corporations or states act as customers.

Blockchain is actively used in casinos, banking and finance, logistics, retail, healthcare, and copyright protection.

The most popular tasks that blockchain solves

Blockchain allows you to confirm the authenticity and origin of the goods, distributed ledger technology – blockchain – is a good tool to combat counterfeit and counterfeit products.

So, for retail chains that work with many suppliers, blockchain helps to increase and strengthen the trust of buyers. The technology makes it possible to track the entire supply chain, starting from the manufacturer, and products can be checked for compliance with environmental and other standards.

Transparency of financial transactions

As a result, the market is better protected from fraudsters and cybercriminals. In addition, the blockchain reduces costs and reduces the time of cross-border payments, which makes financial services available to a wide range of people.

Resolving disputes

The data that is recorded on the blockchain cannot be corrected or erased. Therefore, when resolving a conflict situation, you can be sure of the authenticity of the information.

Blockchain is a new technology, and mistakes are inevitable when it is introduced into business processes, consider the most common. Ignoring the main features of the blockchain and, conversely, using it where a regular database can handle.

It is important to first identify which business processes the technology will be most beneficial for, and then decide whether it would be best to implement the technology using traditional tools, such as for example, internal documents. The following are some of the questions that should be asked when considering a new system. What is the purpose of the system? Is it to replace an existing process or supplement an existing one? How many people do you need to interact with the system? What kind of information does each person require? How often do they need access to this data?To assess the need for implementation, you can refer to the experience of colleagues in the market or consult with developers of blockchain solutions.

Difficulties in implementing

Blockchain is the base for which apps must be built to meet specific business requirements. For example, if you want to use technologies for organizing deliveries, you firstly require an interface, then interactions, and so on.

Furthermore, the market consists of diverse ecosystems that provide solutions to specific issues: for instance, security, tokenization. There are no compliance standards for digital currencies, and there are no universally accepted solutions for every aspect of them.

High expectations

Smart contracts are one the most attractive aspects of the blockchain. These are the conditions under which a transaction is concluded, which are recorded in a computerized format in the block chain. Once the condition is met, the contract is automatically executed.

It’s not quite ready for prime time, so there are some issues with scalability and manageability. The lack of unified regulatory oversight makes it difficult to implement smart contracts across different jurisdictions. Blockchain implementation carries certain risks.

On the topic of risks, a large-scale study was conducted by ISACA (Information System Audit and Control Association – International Association of professionals in the field of IT audit, IT consulting, IT risk management and information security) and AICPA & CIMA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Chartered Institute of Management Accountants – Certified Institute of Management Accountants and the National Professional Organization of Certified Public Accountants in the United States).

According to their report, the risks can be divided into five groups.

Risks at the development stage: the development of a blockchain project includes certain protocols and algorithms; any deviation from them violates the integrity of the protocol and the entire system, which becomes vulnerable to external hacker attacks, fraud, and abuse in the system.

Risks in the exchange and transfer of data: the exchange of information between different blockchain systems is not always carried out efficiently and can lead to errors, which affects the stability of business processes.

Infrastructure risks: 1) the amount of data stored in the distributed registry is constantly increasing – exceeding the transaction limit can lead to data reset; 2) incorrectly coded system updates also threaten information loss or corruption.

Smart contracts vulnerability: in transactions using smart contracts, counterparties can be from different countries. The legal regulation of the blockchain in each state is different, there are no unified standards in the world, therefore, when resolving conflicts, legal difficulties may arise.

Risks when using security keys: Blockchain relies heavily on private and public keys. Despite the decentralization, the technology is used by people – the human factor cannot be completely excluded. When a user works with a distributed ledger from their PC, there is a possibility that the credentials for accessing the system can be hacked and stolen.

How blockchain is used in business

According to https://aucasinoonline.com/payid-casinos/ PayID online casinos in Australia offer pokies that have been popular among Aussie players for quite some time now. The first PayID pokie machine was released in the year of 2020 and since then, it has become one of the most popular games on the internet. Crypto pokies are now essential to online casinos as they drive lots of new players to their websites. The best thing about these games is that you don’t need any special skills or knowledge to play them. All you must do is download the software from the website and start playing. You can also find many free versions of the game which means that you won’t be spending anything when you play them.

Making payments easier for casinos and financial institutions is beneficial, and blockchains offer an inexpensive way to send payments. For instance, the technology firm Ripple has established partnerships with hundreds of companies, including Santander and WU. Its online calculator lets you calculate things in real time.

However, there are still some challenges that need to be overcome before we can see widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies. The biggest challenge facing blockchain technology today is scalability. The more transactions a network processes, the slower it becomes. Bitcoin’s transaction volume currently stands at around 7–8 million per day, while Ethereum handles about 15 million transactions daily.

The post This business book from PayID pokies developer is something you don’t want to miss appeared first on Ifra-Expo.

Best Gambling Literature: Top Casino Books in 2022 https://www.ifra-expo.com/best-gambling-literature-top-casino-books-in-2022/ Wed, 31 Aug 2022 10:20:06 +0000 https://www.ifra-expo.com/?p=437 The demand for gambling generates interest in this topic among people who are unfamiliar with gambling. Experienced players and professionals are also interested in thematic literature. Such a reader base is a great excuse to write a book. Today you can buy dozens of books on gambling topics on the Internet.  Stories, methods, training materials. […]

The post Best Gambling Literature: Top Casino Books in 2022 appeared first on Ifra-Expo.

The demand for gambling generates interest in this topic among people who are unfamiliar with gambling. Experienced players and professionals are also interested in thematic literature. Such a reader base is a great excuse to write a book.

Today you can buy dozens of books on gambling topics on the Internet. 

Stories, methods, training materials. Set out in such literature stories and lessons, entertain and help understand the nuances of the gameplay. Buying a book like this often pays off: novices avoid mistakes and professionals sharpen their skills even more. For our players, this literature will help them understand how to play casino for Canadian dollars or other currencies, and increase their chances of winning.

Gambling 102

This book is now sold on English-language sites. The Russian translation is not yet available. Its author is Michael Shackleford, an American mathematician, risk assessor, and financial analyst.

In 19 chapters, the author explains the principles of basic gambling. The information is given in an accessible language (for those who speak English). Tips, systems and strategies outlined here help to get the basic skills and improve their level for beginners.

Bringing Down the House

The author is the American Ben Mezrich. This is his first famous novel and was published in 2002. After that he wrote four more stories. The last one is “Billionaire Willing” about Mark Zuckerberg.

The theme of the book is how to beat a casino. This is a fiction novel, not a reference book. The plot develops around a group of students led by an MTI professor. They came up with and implemented a blackjack scheme that allowed them to beat a Las Vegas casino. The story is filed so interestingly that it forced Hollywood filmmakers to make a movie based on the story, “21.”

American Casino Guide:2018

This is a reference annual publication. Its audience is Americans and foreign tourists who want to visit casinos in the United States. The guide is full of useful information about all U.S. casinos: room and board prices, list of games, features of different casinos. For beginners, the rules to the games are given, and explanations of basic strategies and systems are given. The edition is accompanied by coupons allowing the Americans to save considerable money when visiting a gambling house. The guide is not translated into Russian.

Beat the Dealer

This is a systematic guide to blackjack, first published in 1966. It is useful for beginners and those who are professionally interested in this game. This teaches basic card-counting skills and systematic analysis. The author, Edward Thorpe, an American professor of mathematics, advises to apply the principles of his guide in all areas of life, not only in Casinos on Net.

The New Complete Guide to Gambling

This book is a hybrid of a reference book and a fascinating history. It covers how casinos work, the principles of gambling, and how to win. This background information is peppered with real life stories. The author is John Scarney, an American gambling expert. The book is not published in Russian.

The Compleat Gamester

The Compleat Gamester was written by Charles Cotton, an English poet, and was published anonymously in 1674. The book included instructions on how to play various games, including billiards, trucks, balls, and chess. By this time there was more advice on cheating, and chance was considered a matter of providence.

Gambling was not yet a business from which professionals could make a fortune, but players realized that they could use mathematics in predicting the results of their games. Cotton advocated gambling while warning players against the tricks of cheaters, particularly “when the company gets thin and your eyes dim from watching, fake dice.” In 1970, the Imprint Society published The Compleat Gamester, which retains the charm of vintage book writing.

Scarn’s Complete Guide to Gambling

Scarn’s Complete Guide to Gambling by John Scarn Simon and Schuster, 1961 The book provides information on discussing almost every aspect of gambling–its history, rules and winning strategies, a little bit of gambling math, and even methods of cheating. He gives volumes of gambling tips and inside tips, as well as many of the stories and personalities he has known in his life as a gambling expert.

Most of the countless books on gambling published each year are practical guides that do not improve on this one. John Scarn (pronounced Skarny), who until his death in 1985 was recognized as the world’s leading gambling expert and the greatest card wizard of his time, and his knowledge and spirit live on in the many books he wrote.

The Biggest Game in Town

The Biggest Game in Town by Al Alvarez In this book, Alvarez describes Las Vegas as the land of milk and honey, but otherwise a graveyard, and he embarks on a three-week road trip to 1981. the world poker series for the New Yorker. This book was the first of its kind to describe the game of professional poker, and it is believed that the genre of poker first originated for a wider audience.

It shows a gangster who loses all his money at poker and goes off to rob a bank and then comes back and loses all the money he robbed. The lens captures madmen willing to bet suitcases of money on individual rolls of the dice, drug addicts who refuse to believe their luck is beyond them, and losers who never learn.

Put down the minion

Put the Favourite by Beth Reimer Spiegel and Grau, 2010. This is the author’s first book that shows how to win in the underworld of gambling and tells the story of an author who worked for four years. It shows the difference between winning big and losing big. In this honest but too crazy a memoir to be true, we get a rare glimpse into the underworld of gambling.

The rare professionals who are talented enough to beat the house go to great lengths to surround themselves with people who will lose their money because of them. Beth Reimer says every addicted player has a desire to lose. “And like” Young, needing guidance from the beginning, Reimer experiments with life and becomes an expert on sports gambling.

Fiction books about gambling

If we talk about fiction where gambling plays an important role, it is worth mentioning such works as:

  • “The Gambler” – a novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, where much is taken from the personal gambling experience of the author, who himself was a famous gambler;
  • “Red and Black” – Stendhal’s masterpiece of world literature;
  • “The Turkish Gambit” – a novel from the cycle of detectives about Erast Fandorin by Boris Akunin;
  • “Casino Royale” by Ian Fleming – a book about agent 007 James Bond (there is a successful adaptation with Daniel Craig in the title role);
  • “The Queen of Spades” – the famous novel by Valentin Pikul.

Each work on the list undoubtedly has many artistic merits, and often you will notice the peculiarities of the players’ psychology.

The books will help you better understand some aspects of the game, but without practice they will prove useless.

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Startup valuation: how to calculate the value of your business https://www.ifra-expo.com/startup-valuation-how-to-calculate-the-value-of-your-business/ Wed, 24 Aug 2022 12:42:03 +0000 https://www.ifra-expo.com/?p=433 Common methods for valuing startups. What information is needed to evaluate a company and where to look for it? Valuation of a startup is the process of determining its value, based on an analysis of a number of indicators. A full-fledged valuation of a startup requires information on revenue, risks, profits and losses, and other […]

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Common methods for valuing startups. What information is needed to evaluate a company and where to look for it?

Valuation of a startup is the process of determining its value, based on an analysis of a number of indicators. A full-fledged valuation of a startup requires information on revenue, risks, profits and losses, and other data. 

The goal is to provide entrepreneurs and investors with more visible tools to make decisions regarding the purchase, sale or financing of a startup.

What is a startup valuation?

A characteristic feature of an evaluation is that it is biased. In addition to real factors, subjective assumptions and crude assumptions are used, such as an approximate forecast of sales growth over the next three years. Thus, a startup valuation should be perceived as a reasonable assumption at best, with all the uncertainties taken into account. 

Why and who needs a startup valuation?

There are two ways to value a company: through market value and intrinsic value.

Market value, obviously, reflects the valuation from a market perspective. It is influenced by the economic situation and can change under external factors, and because of that, businesses can be over- or under-valued. Market valuation is more often given to public companies. Startups tend to remain private and are not publicly traded on the market. 

Intrinsic value is a reflection of the real price in isolation from the current market; it is less affected by the economic situation. In the case of startups, which usually have no market valuation, it is the intrinsic value that investors focus on. 

The valuation of a startup allows analysts to calculate its intrinsic value with less regard to the market. However, analysts are far from the first beneficiary. 

The first beneficiaries of startup valuation are founders. The data is used for the following processes:

  • selling the startup or stakes in it, calculating shareholder value;
  • better communication with investors in search for investments;
  • building trust in a startup through transparent valuation;
  • calculating the value of options purchased or acquired by employees;
  • calculating taxes for employees who own stock or options; 
  • Pre-calculating the value of shares (409A valuation) when options are issued; 
  • Evaluating the success of the company and its development dynamics, comparing it with other market players;
  • elaboration of the development strategy and much more.

Equally useful to venture capitalists and M&A departments at corporations is the valuation of startups in order to:

  1. Monitor fluctuations in the value of their portfolio;
  2. analyze the prospects for a particular acquisition;
  3. use value data to negotiate the purchase of a stake in a startup;
  4. sell their stakes in startups (conduct exits).

Specialists at investment banks use startup valuations to effectively support clients with buying, selling and investing issues. Value information is important for industry reporting and attracting new clients.

Finally, the least active category, retail investors (individual nonprofessional market players), require access to public company valuation data to make investment decisions. They include startups that have made IPOs. Such information helps diversify portfolios and balance the allocation of investments. 

Data needed to evaluate a startup

Financial reports. Detailed information on revenues and expenses helps form a forecast of cash flows, profits, and growth rates. Startups with high growth prospects are valued higher in value.

Management experience. The professionalism and experience of the team also affects the estimated value of the business, especially when management has a track record of other successful projects. However, if a startup hangs on one CEO, investors will see this as a risk factor. 

Market conditions. External factors should be considered: the state of the economy and sector, the level of interest rates, average salaries, and competition. For example, a startup that has emerged in an overly popular niche will receive a lower valuation. 

Intangible assets. Reputation, brands, and customer base are not subject to objective valuation, but can significantly affect the final verdict.

Intangible assets. Equipment, real estate, vehicles, and other real-life assets. Their value should be calculated and added to the overall evaluation of the startup. The higher the quality of the tangible assets, the higher the “premium”.

Company size. The larger the company, the higher the revenues tend to be. Multiple staffing reduces the criticality of losing key employees and executives. Also, large companies tend to have more tangible and intangible assets. Therefore, large companies tend to be valued higher than their smaller competitors. 

Competitive Advantage. Unsustainability of competitive advantage or inability to maintain it will immediately affect the startup’s valuation. 

Where to find data for analysis

The valuation of a startup directly depends on the input data. When analyzing your own startup, of course, you already have all the data at your fingertips. But what if you need to analyze someone else’s project? The task is complicated by the fact that there are not many public startups which have gone public. The bulk of venture capital projects are private companies, which are not obliged to disclose their finances. 

So, investors, analysts and entrepreneurs rely on a wide range of sources to uncover a company’s value:

  1. Public filings (IPOs, S1s, SEC filings);
  2. media information about investments, sales, etc.;;
  3. evaluations by other experts;
  4. unofficial forecasts of stock returns.

Startup valuation methods

The market value of a startup reflects how market participants and investors value that company. For example, public companies can be valued at a share price. If a startup issued 100,000 public shares at $50, its market capitalization would be $5 million.

However, the value of a public company may go beyond market capitalization. Private companies, on the other hand, require a very different approach. 

We have conventionally divided approaches for valuing startups into two categories: startups that generate income and startups that have not yet reached earnings. 

Methods for profitable startups

The valuation of profitable private companies that have started generating sales is usually done using discounted cash flow (DCF), multiples or net cost of capital. These methods can either be used alone or combined to cross-check results.

1. Discounted cash flow

2. Valuation with multipliers

3. The method based on the net asset value

Methods for startups with no income

It is more difficult to evaluate startups that do not generate revenue. They do not have profit margins, so you have to use other parameters, such as traction, merit of founders, and market trends.

4. Berkus method

5. Risk factor summation method

6. Scoring method

7. Venture Capital Method

Which approach should be chosen to evaluate a startup?

In addition to the seven methods mentioned above, there are others, but they can all lead to different evaluations of the same startup. So it makes sense for funders to carefully select a methodology according to their goals. For example, if you are going to sell a company, a higher valuation is beneficial to you. And vice versa: if acquiring a business, you would definitely prefer a lower one.

Keep in mind: established traditions in some industries may influence which methodology is used to value startups. Similar businesses are usually evaluated in the same way, too. Another thing to consider is the unique characteristics of the startup’s products and technology. Innovative businesses are more likely to prefer a method that focuses on future growth potential rather than current assets.

Finally, you can always use several methods to value your company and settle on an arithmetic average or arm yourself with a range of them when negotiating. 


On which option to stop? The need to choose the most appropriate methodology also brings discord to the final estimates: different experts may come to different conclusions regarding the value of the business.

In addition, in reality, everything depends on the plans that the valuation is pursuing, and the realities of the market. Most often, information on the cost of existing similar projects is collected, and their cost is used as a basis for own pricing. The next step is refinement, using the methodologies mentioned in the material.

The evaluation of startups takes into account many factors, both objective and subjective. The most correct results require a broad layer of data about the company, and their absence complicates the process. It is important to remember: the valuation of a company is dynamic, as it changes depending on a number of circumstances. 

The post Startup valuation: how to calculate the value of your business appeared first on Ifra-Expo.

Buying cryptocurrency on the Kucoin exchange https://www.ifra-expo.com/buying-cryptocurrency-on-the-kucoin-exchange/ Thu, 05 May 2022 10:29:07 +0000 https://www.ifra-expo.com/?p=423 Kucoin is a popular cryptocurrency exchange that allows users to buy and sell various digital currencies. It is an ideal platform for buying cryptocurrency with intuitive trading features, low fees, and high liquidity. How to buy cryptocurrency on Kucoin To buy cryptocurrency on Kucoin, you will first need to create an account on the exchange […]

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Kucoin is a popular cryptocurrency exchange that allows users to buy and sell various digital currencies. It is an ideal platform for buying cryptocurrency with intuitive trading features, low fees, and high liquidity.

How to buy cryptocurrency on Kucoin

To buy cryptocurrency on Kucoin, you will first need to create an account on the exchange by providing your email address and setting a password. Once you have verified your account by clicking the link in the verification email sent to you, you can proceed with making your first deposit.

Available trading pairs of cryptocurrencies

Kucoin supports a wide range of cryptocurrency trading pairs, including popular currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc. You can browse through the available coin listings on the exchange to find the right pair for your needs. Additionally, you can use Kucoin’s advanced trading features to set up price alerts and make other types of market or limit orders.

Exchange limits Kucoin

Like most crypto exchanges, Kucoin imposes certain limits on the amount of cryptocurrency that users can buy or sell at one time. These limits vary depending on account age and trade volume, but generally speaking, they are relatively low compared to other platforms. This makes Kucoin an attractive option for those looking to trade smaller amounts of cryptocurrency.

Kucoin support service

Should you need any assistance while using Kucoin, the exchange has a dedicated support team that can be reached via email or through the live chat feature on the website. The team is generally responsive and helpful, although wait times may vary depending on the addressed issue.

Staking on Kucoin

Kucoin also offers a staking program that allows users to earn rewards for holding certain digital currencies in their account. The exchange supports staking for over 20 different assets, including popular coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and others. To learn more about Kucoin’s staking program, please visit the exchange’s website.

Kucoin futures trading

In addition to traditional cryptocurrency trading, Kucoin also can trade futures contracts for several popular crypto assets. This allows users to take advantage of price movements in the market without owning the underlying asset, making it a useful tool for those looking to hedge their investments or for those looking for new ways to speculate on future coin prices.

Conclusions about the exchange

Overall, Kucoin is an excellent option for anyone looking to buy or sell cryptocurrency quickly and easily. Its wide selection of trading pairs, low fees, and easy-to-use features make it an attractive option whether you are a seasoned trader or just starting with cryptocurrencies. So if you’re ready to start trading on Kucoin, create an account today and get started!

The post Buying cryptocurrency on the Kucoin exchange appeared first on Ifra-Expo.
