“Stop Dreaming, Get Busy!” by Cal Newport

Cal Newport boldly debunks the well-established myth that the main thing in business is to find something you really like. The author proves that many people begin to love and appreciate your work only over time, even if at first it seemed to them far from ideal. This book is the result of conversations with dozens of people from a wide range of professions, from farmers and screenwriters to investors and freelance programmers.

A dream job is a job that you love and that earns you a serious income. Many people dream about it, but only a few can boast about such a job. Who are the lucky ones? Those who are constantly trying new things, not stopping at what they’ve already achieved and moving from place to place in search of the best, or those who are trying to master professional skills thoroughly? What is the key to success – the pursuit of your dreams or professionalism? Author Cal Newport, scholar and author of several best-sellers on the intricacies of personal motivation, entertaining, with humor, supporting his arguments with the results of serious scientific research, convinces us: much more promising to forget about the future great achievements, risking nothing, and act for sure, mastering the case that you are already engaged.

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