“Delivering Happiness,” Tony Shea

Tony Shea shares his experiences in running a business, and those experiences are astounding, ranging from opening a worm farm to a pizza parlor. Written in simple and concise language, the book demonstrates a new approach to corporate culture: by caring about the happiness and well-being of others, you can become happier yourself.

In his book, Tony Shay talks about the lessons he has learned in building and developing several successful businesses and about his philosophy of life.

What is happiness? What is success? What do I work for?

These were the questions Tony Shay pondered after selling LinkExchange. The deal with Microsoft allowed the author to live the rest of his days in pleasure and not work another day. He could afford to buy a house in the most upscale neighborhood of San Francisco, spend weekends in Las Vegas, and play casinos there not for the money, but to win.

Shay decided to create a list of things that made him truly happy and found that none of the items were about money. He felt happy when he played with his classmates during his high school years and when he was happy about simple things like hanging out with friends until dawn and seeing the sunrise. According to the author, one of the main problems of modern society is the equal sign that most people put between happiness and money.

Mankind was on the cusp of a changing millennium, and the world was undergoing dramatic changes due to the rapid growth of the Internet. You couldn’t stay away and just make money, especially if you already had more than enough of it.

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